Hello and welcome! It’s been a busy summer with Go Ahead Punk! and we want to share the latest updates with everyone. Firstly, if you haven’t signed up for the newsletter yet, make sure you do here, it’s how we gauge when to launch the Kickstarter:
Game Board Updates
There were a couple of unresolved issues with the board that we have now sorted. Firstly the sniping points didn’t really flow with the rest of the movement grid and were hard to see. This has been improved.

Secondly we needed to make it a little clearer which locations could be accessed with the park ranger uniform. These are now highlighted in green.

Character Board Updates
Following on from last month’s size reduction, we felt text on the character boards needed attention and to stand out more. See what you think. The next step is to apply the changes to the box art to bring out the text a little more from the background.

Deluxe Edition Survey
We’re planning the deluxe edition as well, and we want your feedback? What makes a good deluxe edition upgrade? Does the material or detail of the miniatures make a difference? Have we missed a tribute to your favourite 70s cop character?
Give us your thoughts in the survey here and help us to deliver the game you want!
Join us on BGG!
Keep in touch, send your comments and let us know your thoughts on the Go Ahead Punk! BBG page: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/364048/go-ahead-punk
You can also get in touch with us :
- Through the website: Contact
…and be sure to tell anyone you know who likes 70’s cop movies or hidden movement games to sign up on this link: Go Ahead Punk!
Until next time,
The NDG Team