We’re so pleased with the reception Go Ahead Punk! got at UKGE. It’s our first year exhibiting, and we got to meet loads of great people, play some great games and most importantly get a load of great feedback on the game.
We want to keep everyone up-to-date with what’s been going on – if you’ve signed up already look out for the email from us, and if you haven’t, then sign up here: Sign up! This is the main driver that gets us in a position to launch.
The latest progress
We’ve been hard at work over the last couple of weeks making tweaks and updates based on the valuable feedback we got from the show. Here’s a breakdown of the updates:
Table size
The prototype game was a little large, it didn’t fit on our (admittedly small) exhibiting table! The height of the game board has been reduced, gaining extra table space without compromising the size of the city. Also, the character boards have been reduced in size. Playtesting has shown there is little need for card holders as players don’t tend to hold on to cards for too long and the cards can obscure the map. In addition, there is the issue of table space and manufacturing costs which we want to keep down for everyone.
New Card Art
The card art has been updated! The card faces have been cleaned up and icons moved to the top-left to make them easier to read and understand at a glance in the game.

The BGG Page is here!
Yes, the Go Ahead Punk page on Board Game Geek is active! Come and ask questions, give us your thoughts and keep in touch on BBG: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/364048/go-ahead-punk
And there’s a video!
What’s Next?
The next step is talking to manufacturers and 3d artists, finalising all the card art and of course lots more playtesting!
We’re also exploring the possibility of a solo AI. We’re not promising anything, but if we can make it work, we will. Is it something you’d want? Let us know! There’s loads of ways you can get in touch and get involved:
Through the website: Contact
BGG page forums: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/364048/go-ahead-punk
Socials: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Tell anyone you know who likes 70’s cop movies or hidden movement games to sign up on this link: Go Ahead Punk!
Until next time,
The NDG Team